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Anyone who has been around any children or adolescents today, knows that iPods and iPhones are an everyday common occurrence among the youth. I have a 15 month old niece who already knows how to use my iPhone and my dad's iPad. She does not know necessarily how to function the apps, but she knows that if she touches the screen for her games, she can play them, and that if the camera app is on, she can see herself. Did I mention she is only 15 MONTHS OLD??!! I know for a fact that my students constantly have their earphones in and are listening to music while they are exercising. I, personally, do not have a problem with them listening to music while exercising, but I do, however, have a problem with it if they have their earphones in while I am giving instruction or talking to them. I think it is just a growing trend as to how much our youth today is effected by technology and music in general. I wish that podcasting was as big as it is now back when I was in college, 3 YEARS ago. Oh how much has changed in 3 years! I know for a fact that it would have been amazing to have sat through a lecture, and then been able to go back and listen to it later in case I missed some important notes or needed help grasping a concept. As a physical education teacher, I believe it might be hard to do a podcast because so much of what we teach to our students is done by visual demonstration along with audio directions. I have referenced my students to YouTube many times, encouraging them to view videos on the sports we are in. For example, we did a unit on Frisbee Golf. 97% of my students have never heard of Frisbee Golf, so, I told them to look it up on YouTube and see how it is played at the "professional" level if they want to get a better idea. I have also told the students during a Nutrition unit to find videos of The Biggest Loser to watch and grasp the idea of what bad eating and exercising habits can do to a person if they are not careful. I think technology can be grasped and utilized in any subject matter. Creativity just plays a big role in adapting technology to fit your subject and the audience you are trying to reach.

5/23/2012 01:56:52 am

Hi Brit,
I think it is truly great that you are invoking cross the curriculum technology with your physical education classes. For the “Always On” generation you are hitting your market audience and finding out how they will be excited about learning in an Athletic/Fitness setting. Way to go. I am impressed.

Sarah Campbell
5/24/2012 05:17:12 am

Hey Brit!!
It is crazy to think that kids today don't even know what it is like to NOT have technology or the internet at their finger tips!! I am excited to incorporate some of this technology into our nutrition unit for next year.

Sam Miller
5/26/2012 11:38:56 am


I agree with you, that I wish podcasting was more relevant when I was in college (Class of '04). I can remember listening to numerous recorded lectures for classes such as Western Civilization. Students today have a lot more resources than years past and teachers do not necessarily have to depend on the personal knowledge to present a subject.

It's great that you are using YouTube to aid in teaching new activities. I have only recently became familiar with frisbee golf and ultimate frisbee myself. Back in my hometown we had a frisbee golf course in almost every park that were not utilized simply because citizens were unfamiliar with the game. If more educators such as yourself would teach these activities in classes these courses could be utilized more.

6/8/2012 12:47:15 pm

Hey Britt!
I definitely agree with you that I wish podcasts were available for me while I was in undergrad and that was only one year ago! The podcasts of lectures here in the masters program have been really cool to listen to a few time to really grasp the subject matter. It is neat that you are really speaking to the always on generation in their language, and how they are accustomed to learning via technology and the Internet. Man I wish you were my PE teacher! I would have loved to listened to music while we worked out!!


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    Brittany Pierce

    I am a Physical Education Teacher at Sanger High School. I am also a volleyball coach. I love spending time with my family and friends.


    May 2012

