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Anyone who has been around any children or adolescents today, knows that iPods and iPhones are an everyday common occurrence among the youth. I have a 15 month old niece who already knows how to use my iPhone and my dad's iPad. She does not know necessarily how to function the apps, but she knows that if she touches the screen for her games, she can play them, and that if the camera app is on, she can see herself. Did I mention she is only 15 MONTHS OLD??!! I know for a fact that my students constantly have their earphones in and are listening to music while they are exercising. I, personally, do not have a problem with them listening to music while exercising, but I do, however, have a problem with it if they have their earphones in while I am giving instruction or talking to them. I think it is just a growing trend as to how much our youth today is effected by technology and music in general. I wish that podcasting was as big as it is now back when I was in college, 3 YEARS ago. Oh how much has changed in 3 years! I know for a fact that it would have been amazing to have sat through a lecture, and then been able to go back and listen to it later in case I missed some important notes or needed help grasping a concept. As a physical education teacher, I believe it might be hard to do a podcast because so much of what we teach to our students is done by visual demonstration along with audio directions. I have referenced my students to YouTube many times, encouraging them to view videos on the sports we are in. For example, we did a unit on Frisbee Golf. 97% of my students have never heard of Frisbee Golf, so, I told them to look it up on YouTube and see how it is played at the "professional" level if they want to get a better idea. I have also told the students during a Nutrition unit to find videos of The Biggest Loser to watch and grasp the idea of what bad eating and exercising habits can do to a person if they are not careful. I think technology can be grasped and utilized in any subject matter. Creativity just plays a big role in adapting technology to fit your subject and the audience you are trying to reach.

I must say that I literally use YouTube every single day at work and at home. I LOVE YouTube and the availability of tons of music videos, TV shows, commercials, old songs, and so on. The video I have embedded is one of my all time YouTube videos that I stumbled across about 3 years ago. I'm sharing it with you in hopes that you watch it and smile. :) Enjoy!

I first got introduced to Google Docs back in August of 2011 when I started working at Sanger High School. As a PE teacher, we are required to distribute and assign lockers and locker combinations to a LOT of students. My co-worker created a Google Docs Excel spreadsheet. It was extremely convenient and fast. Us three girl PE teachers each had our laptops in front of us with this one Google Docs spreadsheet open, and as we distributed lockers and typed in students' names, it was updating all of our documents at the same time so we knew not to double up on lockers we distributed. I think this is one amazing example of how convenient Google Docs is. I just created a simple camp registration form. Here is the link to view the registration form. 
I was surprised at how easy it was to create a document and then share it. I also love the fact that it automatically saves itself as the document is being updated.
I have had a blog for about a week now and I can honestly say that of the different social media websites we have become connected with recently, blogging is my least favorite. I am really getting into and enjoying my Facebook Page for Sanger Girls Volleyball as well as the Twitter account I created for the program as well. I am actually pretty excited to see how quickly the athletes and supporters catch on to these new media connections that we have and to see whether the athletes within the program respond to our new attempt to connect with them. Blogging is a fun experience and a great way to share thoughts and experiences, but I feel as though for me, with everything I have on my plate, it is not as easily accessible as Facebook and Twitter are considering within a matter of seconds I can update both from my iPhone. I think that if I had a specific purpose for my blog such as coaching strategies and techniques, I might be inclined to update it more frequently and connect with more people. So far, it is a good experience, but I prefer Facebook and Twitter.
The photos that I have attached include people that are extremely important to me.


This photo is of my best friend and myself after we attended a church service. The interesting thing about my best friend, Jaime, and I is that we met back in 2006 in Columbia, MO. I played volleyball for Fresno Pacific University and Nationals was hosted in MO. Jaime and her then fiance, now husband, were our "honorary coaches". Since that trip, our friendship has developed into one of the most meaningful things in my life.


This photo is of my family. As you can see I have quite a large family and we are growing by the minute it seems! Not in this photo is my new baby nephew, Bodie Michael Pierce. He just turned 3 weeks old! Also, my other sister-in-law, Lindsey (she wears the glasses), is expecting her second child in November. I absolutely LOVE being an auntie!

I hope you enjoy the photos! 
After reading the article on Blogs as Learning Spaces in Higher Education, my eyes have been opened to seeing the great potential blogging has in our education system and teams we coach. As I stated in my first post, the majority of the blogs I have read or followed are based on family or how to cook a certain recipe. As a matter of fact, I do love these blogs, but never would have thought a blog could be used for educational purposes. As a coach, I am always seeking to better myself and learn what is new in the "coaching" world. Coming across a blog that has to do with volleyball and different drills to do that accomplish a certain task would be not only educational but applicable to everyday life as well. This article showed me that blogs can not only be used to learn but also to teach as well.
I am actually kind of excited to get involved with Twitter. I never have understood what "#" meant in front of a word or a phrase. But now, I understand and will do my best to utilize my new knowledge and hopefully will be able to use it in the proper context. I am hoping to start a Twitter for my volleyball team at Sanger High School and hope to get a lot of our student body as followers. My Twitter account is @BrittanyPierce4 if any of you want to start following me. A few of the people I currently follow include: @TimTebow , @Oprah , @JLo , @taylorswift13 , @reba 
Well, I can't believe that I actually have a blog! So many of my friends are "bloggers" and the ones that I have read, I truly am impressed with the amount of time and thought that is put into them. I never created a blog because I have never felt as though I had the time to keep up with writing daily or even weekly. I am anxious to see how having a blog will impact my life. I have always loved writing and expressing thoughts and feelings and maybe this is a new way for me to do that. Besides, I type faster than I write anyways! 

    Brittany Pierce

    I am a Physical Education Teacher at Sanger High School. I am also a volleyball coach. I love spending time with my family and friends.


    May 2012

